Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Final Crit

at the crit today i took my work for the pj's smoothies brief. i have two concepts which i've developed.this one is just for fun really - its not innocent. I wanted to do it because i thought it was funny but probably not suitable to actually enter, although i might not enter any, im undecided...

my questions for this were
- are they too busy?
- do they look better with the black outlines?

The feedback i got was really good, i am going to try make them less busy to see what it looks like and add the black lines but using a good pen. Also i was given the suggestion of doing teasers for this concept which could just be one fruit running away or with a knife in its head which could be on a bus or billboards. i think i might have to make this a second part to the brief (it did say to put in context in the actual brief but i might not have time) because i've very sillyly not worked quick enough and i would rather get these posters up to scratch and concentrate on developing it further over christmas, and then i can put the whole thing in my portfolio.

my second concept was these chewing sucks posters. they are quite simple but because the other ones are so busy i quite like the difference.

my questions for this were
- which composition is best?
- does it need another strap line underneath?

noone thought it needed another strapline and everyone said the one with the bottle around it looked best so ive changed them now so they all look like this...

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